Thursday, September 24, 2009

Picking your nose and turning on the light

Ok, I have to start by venting....because there is no one here right now not of the hispanic culture to vent to.
So, when you go to a different country, or even on a trip to a different part of the U.S., you go with the anticipation of there being cultural differences. You know that there will be cultural differences, and that is part of the adventure. You decide to accept these differences as part of the learning to broaden your world perspective.
That being said, I would like to vent about two culturally/socially excepted norms here in Guatemala that I will not accept and ademently oppose.

1. So, I will be in mid conversation with times a serious or important conversation, and here in Guatemala it is as acceptable to casually dig in your nose as it would be to scratch your forehead in the States. And, after that, it is not gross or wrong to proceed to wipe your finger on your pants or on the wall (whatever is more convenient), and seek a hand shake or cheek kiss upon leaving the conversation. In what world is this okay???? Well, now that I think of it, it is probably ok in the same world in which I had to use a toilet without a door on the bathroom......the bathroom was off of a hall where a large family party was gathered.

2. Ok, and now to vent about the thing that is just wrong! Why is it ok to go into a room where someone is sleeping (i.e. ME) and flip on the light switch to find something (the sisters clothes are all in the room where I sleep).....regardless of what time it is- midnight, 4:30am (when the rest of the family wakes to sell bread). I have conceeded to the fact that I will not sleep past 6am, but really people.....flip on the light in a room where people are sleeping in the middle of the night!? How is that ok!? Venting session over, I think.

I wish I had my devotional book here with me to copy the other day´s lesson. In a nut shell (and much more eloquently) it talked about faith and fear. Strong faith is born out of the seed of fear. We look up to God on the mountain and realize we are in the valley, and we cannot make the climb on our own. We stand with Moses and the Israelites in front of the Red Sea...we can either fight or swim. But God has a different plan in mind, a different way through, and when we trust in Him, our fear grows to faith.

Count down 22 days until I will be back on American soil. I am excited about it! But, I´m trying to remain present in the here and now. Only in today......I want to be done with making self imposed time frames for my life.

All for now. Hope you all are well. Miss you all the time.


Kelly H said...

you sure are going to feel bad when your host family reads this one day....

Katie H said...

i really doubt that will ever happen....that would include them learning english first.

Unknown said...

You know I am grossed out by all of this. What is the tendency there in handling an American who throws up witnessing this act? A kiss on the cheek as well when you depart from the conversation? Needless to talk about memories of nose picking.... I know one thing... By the time you and Ali get through living with your new roomies, you will think your US family members are saints. See, there is always good that comes out of a bad situation. And did the sister ever think about planning her attire for the next day, the night before??????

Hang in there. Love you.