Monday, September 14, 2009

Independence day

Well, I am back in Chicacao at the clinic, and boy did I get spoiled in Antigua. We had a fun day of shopping and site seeing in Antigua on Friday, and I rode back Saturday with Danny, one of the workers, after we dropped the surgical team off at the airport. I bought way too much souvenir stuff in Antigua, but I figured I might as well because I am not sure if I will be staying through the next surgical group. But it was a really fun time and the hotel was so nice. Each room had 2 plush queen size beds, a fireplace (even though it was way too hot to use), an amazingly hot and powerful shower, and a pool (I forgot my bathing suit :(.) I really enjoyed the time I had to spend with the group, just talking about things and hearing the wiser ladies' perspective on life and things. And they all emptied their chocolate and goodies stash for me! One of the guys, Walt, left me the best tasting twizzlers I have ever eaten! But I think it has to do with that whole thing like when you are outdoors or camping and the food just tastes so amazing because you are so hungry!

My ride back to Chicacao with Danny was great too. He is a 25yr old originally from Nicaragua, and I think he works at Health Talents mostly because he is fluent in English and his wife is a nurse here too (Darling is her name). Danny is always just a crack up and jokester, so I felt really blessed when we were able to have a heart to heart talk on the ride back, just both sharing about one another's lives. He said he grew up in a children's home from 5-12yrs after his father died and his mother couldn't afford to raise him. Then he told me about how he and Darling came to be married. For me, sometimes it's just so easy to see the end result, the smiles and babies that come from a marriage and life, and forget that every person and relationship has a story full of bumps and bruises, ups and downs, some more painful than others.

So, back in Chicacao, Independence day celebrations are in full swing. They are having 4 days worth of parades all the way from this past Saturday to this coming Tuesday (the actual Independence Day). The parades all end right in front of my house at the soccer stadium, so the family has set up a little drink stand to make some extra money while watching the parades. Today the parade is for the local school children, and each school has a different theme. I had to come into work, so I showed one of the daughters how to use my camera because 2 of the kids are still in school. The central park area has more sketch carnival games set up, and I think the family has intentions to ride the ferris there any bubble wrap I can wrap myself in?

Some of the people from the last surgical group said they were going to put pictures up on facebook, so you should be able to see some soon from my facebook page once I get tagged. Just a warning, don't be alarmed if I look smaller.....I will gain my weight back when I get home! I don't know if I'm skinnier because of losing real weight or water weight, but thank goodness for draw string pants.

Its been hard to get to the computer or phone this last week, so sorry mom and dad. This week should be easier to communicate. And just so you know, even if I don't call or write you does not mean I am not thinking of and missing you. I'm still not sure whether I'm going to come home early or not. My flight home is still set for Oct. 17th, and I'm just going to take it a week at a time. 4 weeks behind me with about 5 weeks to go....its a little daughnting, so I'm just taking it a week at a time.

Hopefully going to the bank then internet cafe after work today if the workers/family lets me venture out. Hope you all are doing well. Love, Katie


Unknown said...

I thought you weren't going to venture out on your own!!!!!!!!!

I saw all the pictures. Looks like a really close knit group. Tell them I said thanks for sending them. It was good to see your precious face.

I am glad you got to get some good R and R.

I will write more on your yahoo acct soon.
Love you.

laura stephens said...

katie, i have a blog too! it's i'm going to read yours every day. i had no idea you were writing on yours while we were there. when did you have time to do that? anyway, hang in there and i can't wait to hang out when you are back in the states. you are such an encouragement to me!!

Kelly H said...

sorry i missed your calls today! i was out walking in the woods trying to memorize the scientific names of about ten different kinds of oak trees. love you and miss you!