Thursday, August 20, 2009


My mom said that she couldn't post any comments, and I tried to change some of the settings in case that was causing it. Sorry if anybody else tried to comment and it wouldn't work! :(
It's a home sick day....why didn't anyone tell me how long 2 months was....oh wait, you tried, but I'm too stuborn to listen! It will be okay, I just have a little hump to get over.
Can't write much today because it's time to get back to work.....sorting more than 3000 capsules of amoxicillin into little bags of 21 each. Quick do the math, how many bags is that? .....answer 145. I'm really enjoying the nurses I am working with at the clinic. A very sweet group of ladies. They are teaching me a lot. I hope everyone is doing well at home today and that you all have a wonderful day. Its almost Friday!


Jennifer said...

katie the time will go fast. glad to hear things are going well so far.

Unknown said...

This is a test!!!!!!!!!! Rob got me set up with a google email acct. Hope this works. Love you!

RTHaas said...

Hey Katie! Despite the bumpy trip getting there it seems you're really enjoying yourself.

I'm very happy for you; keep posting and send pictures when you get a chance.